A course of play therapy begins with an assessment discussion with parents/ legal guardian and other key agencies involved to determine the appropriateness of play therapy at this time. This is followed by an initial meeting with the child/ adolescent to give them the opportunity to meet the therapist and understand what play therapy is about and why they are attending (age appropriate language will be discussed with parents/ guardian).
An initial six week contract of work can then be agreed. After this, if it is agreed between the therapist, client and parent/ guardian, therapy can continue with regular progress reviews. Where neccessary, the length of the intervention can be agreed before sessions commence.
Therapy normally takes place during weekly 50 minutes sessions (can vary dependant on child/ adolescent between 45-60 mins).
The number of sessions varies from each individual and depends on the nature of the work. Some clients respond to a short term intervention (up to 12 sessions). For other clients, where difficulties have persisted for longer amounts of time and are more complex, a medium (12 - 24 sessions) or longer term (24+ sessions) intervention may be required.
For some children, fostering more positive relationships with those who take care of them is one specific aim of the work. The structure of this therapy may be different, involving direct work with care givers, as well as the client. These sessions are informed by Theraplay techniques and may be shorter and in part of a full session.

Sessions usually take place at the same time each week in the same location. Consistency is important to the play therapy process and unplanned missed sessions can be distruptive.
Sessions can take place within a private practice space (shown to the left), where parents/ guardians will be required to remain onsite in a waiting room for the duration of the session.
In other circumstances, it may be decided that sessions would be better carried out at the childs school (or another appropriate setting).
Schools/ other agencies..Play Therapy can;
"1. Help children to build healthier relationships with teaching staff and peers;
2. Reduce emotional, behavioural and social obstacles to learning;
3. Improve adaptation in the classroom;
4. Enhance communication skills and emotional literacy;
5. Address the needs of at-risk children;
6. Support and advise teaching staff."
(Play Therapy in Schools.The British Association of Play Therapists: 2004)
Provision of Play Therapy for an individual or up to four children per day can be arranged in your setting. Play Therapy can benefit children greatly who are struggling academically, socially, emotionally and behaviourally. Play Therapists work closely with parents/ guardians and others working with the child, offering knowledge, techniques and skills to manage behaviour and further support the therapy for the child.
I also offer small group work (4-5 children with one extra adult to be provided) which is informed by Theraplay techniques. Theraplay is adult-directed and incorporates playful, cooperative and nurturing activities aimed to enhance emotional well-being. The aims of sessions are to support children's self-esteem, sense of belonging, the ability to care for himself and others and provide opportunities to develop increased trust.